ABCD Scramble
Saturday, March 26th – 9 am Tee Times
• 18 hole – 4-person scramble
• Teams assigned randomly by handicap
• Must use 2 drives from every person per 9 holes
Must be LMGA or LLGA member and have an active GHIN Handicap
$35 entry fee
Green Fees and Cart Fees Paid Day Of for non-passholders
Scoring done by Golf Genius
Cathy Smith: 208.859.3451 or smithcat77@msn.com
Jill Cryder: 208.891.0486 or thecryders@gmail.com
Cameron Cryder: 208.412.4433 or cameroncryder@gmail.com
Sign-up Deadline Wednesday, March 23rd at 5 pm online or in Pro Shop