We are excited to announce the launch of our new Tee Time Booking Assistant! Try it at https://lakeviewgolf.noteefy.app to get a text and email when your desired tee time comes available.

We know that looking for cancellations or calling and refreshing over and over to find your desired times isn’t fun, so with our new virtual tee time assistant – you will know right away when the time you want is available without needing to do anything. You can add desired playing preferences (time, dates, number of players) as far in advance as you would like – even all of 2025 in one go!

Tee Times are first come, first serve so it is not guaranteed that the time will be available when you check. If you get a tee time for that day, you can easily pause your search by clicking the link in the notification you receive.

Have any questions? Reach out to the pro shop at (208) 888-4080 or our partner contacts at Noteefy.

We look forward to seeing you out on the course very soon!